If you were to travel around the world, one thing would be the exact same among every tribe, nation, and country: clothing. While styles of clothing vary from culture to culture where beliefs, climate, and custom influence style of dress, every human being wears some form of covering. We learned on Monday that clothing originated in the Garden after Adam and Eve sinned by eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They covered themselves in fig leaves, trying to mask their shame and brokenness, but God came, and in His mercy, killed an innocent animal to make for them better, more durable garments. Clothing is a picture of His amazing grace. Adam and Eve put their design skills to use when they sewed together fig leaves for covering, but God, the ultimate Designer created garments that were more useful and lasting. God is able to take our brokenness and make it beautiful because of His grace

By Gretchen Saffles

Ethical Fashion

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