Christine Caine once said, “Her success is not your failure.” Wow. Did that hit you in the gut like it did me? The success of other women (the amount of followers, the number of sales, the opportunities of others, the influence of others) is never to be compared with the task that God has set before you. Never. The dangers of this comparison game is that it sneaks its way into the church! Women in Bible studies and in areas of leadership compare their influence and styles with each other. It can happen even without us noticing it. After all, Satan’s ways are crafty, deceptive and cunning. He knows exactly where to shoot a dart at a us to make us crippled in what God has called us to do.
heart check I just finished a book called Life Is Mostly Edges by Calvin Miller, a pastor and author from Nebraska. After reading this book, I not only feel like Calvin is one of my dear friends and mentors, but I also feel like I have an even better understanding of what love for Jesus […]