Confession. I am a recovering addict. Chances are, you are one too. I have been enslaved to “likes” and trapped by numbers for a lot of my life. The number battle seems to wage a war in my heart each day. Even before things like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, I measured myself by how many people […]

By Gretchen Saffles


1 Peter 2:11-19. Find the 1 Peter 2 reading guide here! The culture we live in has become dangerously similar to the Old Testament. People worship themselves, things they’ve created and forget about the goodness of God. Psalm 78:8 describes the Israelites who wandered from the commandments of God as “a generation whose heart was […]

By Well-Watered Women

un-follow {Day 8 & 9}

1 Peter 2:11-19. Find the 1 Peter 2 reading guide here! The culture we live in has become dangerously similar to the Old Testament. People worship themselves, things they’ve created and forget about the goodness of God. Psalm 78:8 describes the Israelites who wandered from the commandments of God as “a generation whose heart was […]

un-follow {Day 8 & 9}

By Well-Watered Women

Jacey Verdicchio of The Balanced Wife recently published an e-book called “Escaping Reaction, Embracing Intention.” Immediately when I saw the title of it, I knew it was going to be a must-read. The words balance and intentional are the latest buzz words in society. Jacey looks into the meaning of these words and how they can […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Friday Feature: Escaping Reaction, Embracing Intention

Social media is now an integral part of the culture we live in. There’s really no way to get around being a user of at least one social media platform. The best deals, fastest news and easiest ways to stay in touch all come through the form of social media. For a few reasons, I […]

By Gretchen Saffles


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