If prayer is such a beautiful habit, why is it so difficult to find time to pray? How do we actually pray continually? Why do we pray in the first place? We’re sharing some thoughts and encouragement on prayer as we prepare to walk through Breathe this week.
Breathe in really deep.
Now let it out.
Take a moment to simply stop. I know you might be a blog reader like me who skims and goes from one page to the next. But this time, I am asking you to simply slow down. I recognized recently in my own walk with God that I have been falsely attempting to spend moments of stillness with Him. In the busyness of church, owning a business, growing a baby and preparing for him to arrive in May, moving to a new home, and being a wife, sister, daughter, and friend, I’ve fallen prey to the “I’m busy for Jesus” excuse. You may know the exact feeling. Your schedule is filled with good things, but is missing the best thing – sitting at the feet of Jesus and praying fervently and expectantly in His name.