“I saved a seat for you!” These words from my new friend were exactly what I needed to hear to take a deep breath and relax. Just moments before, I had been sitting in my car and very seriously considering just going home. As a generally outgoing person, I was embarrassed by how nervous I […]

By Taylor Cage

Place Makers: Welcoming Others Into Community

Place Makers: How to be Inclusive as a Woman of God

When feelings feel overwhelming “I feel so out of control. I am such a mess. I feel CRAZY.” I have spoken these exact words, or some rendition of them, more times than I can count over the past two months. My story with medication for depression and anxiety began a few years ago, but this […]

By Rachael Milner

Out of Control: Mental Illness and a Surrendered Heart

a well-watered woman Terri Shaver is an active member of our online community. She recently completed the Walk in Grace: Ephesians study with the community, and we asked her to share a little more about herself and her walk with the Lord as a fellow Well-Watered Woman. Introduce yourself as if we were on a […]

A Well-Watered Woman Interview: Terri Shaver

Terri Shaver - Well-Watered Woman

By Well-Watered Women

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