Lying on the cold airport floor, shaking and vomiting, wasn’t exactly how I thought our mission trip to Madrid would begin. As I lay there with a wet rag on my forehead, my team huddled around me and I could hear my baby crying nearby, wanting me to hold him. In that moment, I knew […]
On August 13th, heaven received a precious follower of Christ. Kyra Karr, missionary in Italy, wife, and momma to three beautiful girls, was killed in car accident, instantly taking her home to the presence of God. The news of her death knocked the wind out of many. She lived with purpose, intention, and a deep, abiding joy in Christ. In many ways, her death has sparked a revival in the hearts of many, including mine.
Have you ever questioned why you live where you live? Or, right now, are you wondering why you are sitting here at this moment reading this devotional? Have you thought about why your family has moved or why you didn’t get that job you wanted? Life usually doesn’t follow our plans. In our eyes, life is […]