“This is a story that revealed the Father’s goodness to us all:  My baby belly was small and I was just beginning to show. I was halfway through this pregnancy, at only 21 weeks when my water bag broke. I didn’t even know that was something that happened, let alone what it actually meant. So, […]

By Guest Author

Miracle in the Making

Last fall at the Influence Conference I met several women who I have been able to keep up with and be inspired by ever since! One of those ladies was Kelly Halsch. Kelly and I were able to talk for a while at the conference and she shared her story with me. Kelly is one of those women whose joy and passion for life and Christ is contagious! She writes on her blog Legacy of Beauty and is also the author of several books. All I can say is, grab a box of tissues, a cup of coffee, and cozy up as you read Kelly’s story and encouragement. It is a powerful story of redemption and hope!

By Well-Watered Women

A Life Lived Beautifully: Kelly Halsch

Meet Breena. I have had the privilege of getting to know Breena over this past year and follow her journey of losing her son to Batten Disease. I can say this with full confidence – this girl is the real thing. She doesn’t just say things to be noticed or to be followed, she share […]

A Life Lived Beautifully: Breena Holt

By Well-Watered Women

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