On August 13th, heaven received a precious follower of Christ. Kyra Karr, missionary in Italy, wife, and momma to three beautiful girls, was killed in car accident, instantly taking her home to the presence of God. The news of her death knocked the wind out of many. She lived with purpose, intention, and a deep, abiding joy in Christ. In many ways, her death has sparked a revival in the hearts of many, including mine.
This blog post was written by my sister, Kara Holmes. It describes perfectly the reason why this journal is called the Give Me Jesus Journal! In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise, Give me Jesus, I stirred. The dim lights of the hospice room […]
This blog post was written by my sister, Kara Holmes. It describes perfectly the reason why this journal is called the Give Me Jesus Journal! In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise, Give me Jesus, I stirred. The dim lights of the hospice room […]