This post was written by Kelly Strickland. You can read more about Kelly at the bottom of the post! Learning to let go of the perfect “quiet time” with the Lord has been quite a difficult journey for me. My love language is quality time and so when our son Will came along I realized […]

By Kelly Strickland

Embrace the Messy

When the reality of the storm threatened the disciples’ little kingdom, they forgot the strength of God who was with them on the boat. They let fear rule their hearts and doubted the love of their friend, Lord, teacher and master. They doubted His goodness because the reality of the situation seemed too much to handle. But Christ was always there – just as He was – and that was enough.

By Rachael Milner

Just As He Was

“And I will make him the firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth. My steadfast love I will keep for him forever, and my covenant will stand firm for him.” ~Psalm 89:27 We have ben so busy lately that my heart has been aching to find Jesus in everything. Packing, shipping, giving, cooking, […]

Advent Day 3 – Jesus in the Middle

By Gretchen Saffles

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