I had a funny interaction yesterday with a kind, well-meaning individual who was trying to offer some encouragement. The words didn’t come out as I’m sure they intended when they said, “Rachael, you’ve lost weight! You’re starting to look so pretty!” I just had to laugh a little because it was meant as a compliment, […]

By Rachael Milner

Diets, Grace and Worth

When we confuse the source of our identity with who God says we are and what the scale says we weigh, everything else becomes skewed. We focus less on Jesus and more on ourselves. We obsess and worry over every calorie instead of spending every moment pursuing the kingdom of God. What if we dress for today and walk in the confidence of who God made us to be, right now?

By Rachael Milner

Dress For Today: Don’t Wait to Lose Weight

It doesn’t take long to see that our society has become increasingly aware of the need to eat healthy foods that benefit the body. I grew up on a steady diet of doritos, sour punch straws and vanilla Dr. Pepper, but I’ve learned that to keep that kind of diet going would be detrimental to […]

Eating Right {Day 6}

By Gretchen Saffles

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