This series was written by Kara Holmes. A professional counselor turned stay-at-home mom, Kara is wife to Trey and mom to Kate, Justin, and Alisa. Some of Kara’s favorite activities include going on walks with her family, writing, getting lost in a great book, and laughing. Passionate about the deeper issues of the heart, Kara enjoys […]
This post was written by Kara Holmes. Kara is a wife and mother, Gretchen’s older sister, and has contributed to many of the Well-Watered Women Bible Studies. You can follow along with her on her blog, Chasing Genuine , and you can read more from her in our Ascending Calvary devotion. Forgiven to Forgive When […]
Have you ever been hurt by another believer and left in a dizzy mess of confusion? Have you ever been the one to inflict the hurt, whether intentionally or unintentionally? The answer to that second question may be a little harder to come to, but the honest answer for all of us fallen human […]