It’s time we took our eyes off the numbers, scales, and sizes and consumed our lives with the weight of glory in Jesus Christ. You are already free, sisters. Nothing holds you in changes anymore because Jesus holds that key that sets you free. Let’s live for the kind of weight that matters—sharing the glory of Christ with a world that desperately needs to know there is freedom, today.
The following post is written by my dear friend, Emily Riley. I asked her recently to share her story of redemption from an eating disorder. Women and men all over the world struggle with weight and having an incorrect body image. Most people struggle with disordered eating, but never tell anyone of the hidden bondage. We easily hide our image struggles behind a guise of “healthy eating,” exercise, and even self confidence, when on the inside we are aching and in a prison. It is my desire to bring light to this dark, hidden area. I, too, have struggled with an eating disorder and have found immense freedom that can only be found in Christ alone (read my story here). As we open up our hearts vulnerably, I pray that Jesus would shine brightly and lead others into a life of freedom and authenticity.
The following post is raw. It is a tiny glimpse into a struggle I had with an eating disorder in college, and my heart in sharing it with you is that more women would find freedom from the bondage of eating and image through Jesus. Eating disorders are one of the most hidden sins of our society, especially in the church. As followers of Jesus, we need to stand firm against this yoke of slavery and speak about the lies that women are believing all over the world about their image, food, and worth.
Good morning! I am so glad you are joining in on our study of 1 John! We are on our last week of the study and it has been amazing to see what God has revealed through His Word. If you are just now joining us, begin your study here. Praying God reveals beautiful truth’s […]
This is an excerpt from the ebook I will be coming out with soon called “A God-Sized Love Story.” This book is shares love letters I wrote to my husband growing up along with my story of learning to trust Christ with my future. As we study 1 Peter 3:1-4 today, I pray that you […]