When I think about getting up in the wee hours and having my quiet time, a cup of coffee is not just a part of those moments, but more of a given. It has become a natural combination – one means the other most every day. And I don’t think I’m the only one who […]

By Rachael Milner

My Cup Overflows

As I loaded the laundry in between having gone to the gym, answering emails, writing a to-do list, and texting with my mom and sister, the Lord reminded me of the importance of doing our work well. I have a tendency to section off my days, overload them into with things to do, and place unrealistic expectations on my hours.

By Gretchen Saffles

Work Well

a morning routine Each morning the Lord wakes me up, I grab a cup of coffee, breathe in the smell of the morning fragrance, grab my Bible and journal and go sit on the same spot on our couch. Everything is still and most of the world is asleep. I can hear an occasional bird […]

Coffee & Jesus

By Gretchen Saffles

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