Christine Caine once said, “Her success is not your failure.” Wow. Did that hit you in the gut like it did me? The success of other women (the amount of followers, the number of sales, the opportunities of others, the influence of others) is never to be compared with the task that God has set before you. Never. The dangers of this comparison game is that it sneaks its way into the church! Women in Bible studies and in areas of leadership compare their influence and styles with each other. It can happen even without us noticing it. After all, Satan’s ways are crafty, deceptive and cunning. He knows exactly where to shoot a dart at a us to make us crippled in what God has called us to do. 

By Gretchen Saffles

Grace Talk

Our fingers have been programmed in this day and age to scroll, double tap, text, and type. The other day my friend was telling me that her three year old can open the iPad and turn on his movies without help. Our minds and hands have been rewired to go straight to our phones. Without even realizing it, we take part in the “daily scroll.” Instead of taking a walk with a friend, we scroll through their lives. Picture after picture on Instagram, post after post on Facebook, tweet after tweet on Twitter. We scroll, scroll, scroll and take in so much that we don’t know what to do with the information overload. I know that the “daily scroll” has left me feeling disconnected, fruitless, and down most days. You may find yourself in the same delusion after your own daily scroll.

By Gretchen Saffles

The Daily Scroll – Part I

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