[Editor’s Note: We are so sorry if you’ve experienced the loss of a child. We pray that you will find encouragement for your marriage through this article and experience hope in your hurt through this article written by Gretchen, our founder, about her miscarriage.] I never know how to start an article on miscarriage, because it […]

By Eric Schumacher

Miscarriage and Marriage: Walking Beside Your Husband in His Grief

It’s no secret: our team loves to read.  Our first priority to know God through the pages of Scripture we read each day, and our primary mission is to equip you to be rooted deeply in God’s Word as well. This is the reading that nourishes and fortifies us for each step of life’s journey. […]

By Well-Watered Women

Read a Mentor 2020 + Books Giveaway!

Approaching Your Pastor While listening to podcasts or reading books and blogs, you’re likely to come across something that doesn’t sit well. The source is Christian, but you’re unsure whether the idea presented is biblical or wise. Whom do you turn to with such questions? Friends? Social media? A trusted website? As a pastor, I […]

Approaching Your Pastor and Discernment

By Eric Schumacher

Seeing the Value of Women in God’s Word When you aren’t sure what to do in life, do you ever open the Bible searching for a specific story or moral lesson you can apply? Many of us read the Bible this way, especially when we face challenging or unknown circumstances. But the Bible is not […]

By Eric Schumacher

Seeing the Value of Women in God’s Word

Resources for Miscarriage, Infant Loss, and Infertility Mother’s Day can be painful for many of us. Some are grieving, others are longing, many are waiting and hoping. Two our our team members, Kristin and Amelia, have shared their stories about infertility and infant loss on the Well-Watered blog. They have also graciously compiled resources that […]

By Amelia Granberg

He Is Near: Resources for Hope and Healing

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