Dear friend,
I have an important update regarding the Well-Watered Women shop to share with you today.
Ten years ago, I began Well-Watered Women as a newlywed out of our small apartment in Tennessee with big dreams and an idea for a quiet time journal to help women study the Bible. I never imagined God would grow the small seeds he planted in my heart into a ministry reaching women worldwide with the hope of the gospel. I’ve had the joy of working alongside many incredibly gifted women to create engaging and theologically-rich Bible study resources to help women grow in their love for God and his Word. It would take me hours to tell you the myriad of ways God has faithfully provided.
With the growth of Well-Watered Women over the years has also come the growth of my family and responsibilities at home. In recent years, as I have prayed and sought wise counsel from mentors and trusted advisors about what is next for Well-Watered Women, God has made it clear that I need to press pause in order to rest in the Lord, seek his direction, and prioritize my family. To support this decision, we are pausing content creation at Well-Watered Women and clearing out our online shop inventory by the end of this year.
We understand many of you will be disappointed, but we have encouraging news. While our shop is pausing the Well-Watered Women website, free resources, online articles, and social media will continue to be available to encourage you in the Lord.
Also, Maggie Combs and I have co-written a new Bible study in partnership with Tyndale House Publishers, Sweeter than Honey: Enjoying God by Delighting in His Word. This seven-week Bible study releases in early January and will be available wherever books are sold. Our prayer is that this Bible study equips you to experience the joy of meeting God in the pages of his Word!
All online products are available in the Well-Watered Women shop until December 31, 2024, or as supplies last. If you’ve been waiting to try a product, now’s the time to grab what you’ve been eyeing. Also, make sure to stock up on any of your favorite Bible studies or journals to have on hand for gift-giving and for you to use as you seek the Lord! As we pause and consider where God is leading, we're grateful for your continued support of Well-Watered Women.

- Stock up on your favorite Well-Watered Women Bible studies, devotionals, journals, and other Bible study tools before they’re gone!
- Download your favorite free resources and bookmark your favorite articles to share with friends.
- Invite friends to study Worthy is the Lamb with you this Advent!!
- Pray for the Well-Watered Women team as we move forward in faith, trusting in God’s provision and guidance!

Can I still purchase Well-Watered Women products?
Yes, Well-Watered Women products will remain available for sale through December 31, 2024 or as supplies last. Take advantage of this time to stock up on your favorite gospel-centered resources while you still can!
Will articles and free resources still be available after December 31?
Yes, you can continue to access articles and other free resources at wellwateredwomen.com and will be able to do so after December 31.
Will you be restocking products that are currently sold out?
No, we will not be restocking products that are currently sold out or replenishing inventory beyond what is currently available in the shop. Be sure to grab extra copies of your favorite resources to have on hand or gift to others. Plan ahead with your Bible study groups to purchase resources for 2025 now!
Is Well-Watered Women closing?
Well-Watered Women is not closing. However, we are pausing content creation and production and the shop will not be active for the foreseeable future. We are seeking the Lord regarding the future of Well-Watered Women and trusting in his guidance as we pause and seek him.
Will Well-Watered Women still be on social media after December 31?
Yes, we will still be sharing on social media @wellwateredwomen, but not at the same frequency as we currently do.
Does Well-Watered Women have plans to create or sell products again?
We don't know yet! While Gretchen is taking a break, she is trusting and seeking God's timing and greater plan for the ministry of Well-Watered Women.
Are your products still available to purchase through wholesale?
Yes! Our products are still available to purchase for wholesale on Faire at this time and will be until December 31 or as supplies last.
How can I support Well-Watered Women during this time?
You can support us by praying for Gretchen and the Well-Watered Women team during this time of transition and as they trust God’s greater plan for the ministry of Well-Watered Women. You can also support us by purchasing our remaining inventory from the shop! We’d love for women to be encouraged in their walk with the Lord and continue to grow their love for God’s Word with our remaining inventory.
Is Gretchen still writing and publishing new works?
Yes! Gretchen’s other books include The Well-Watered Woman, The Well-Watered Life Devotional Journal, and her new devotional Word before World. Gretchen will continue to be active on her Instagram account @gretchensaffles and on her website Gretchensaffles.com. Gretchen has a new Bible study co-authored with Maggie Combs releasing in January 2025. Sweeter than Honey: A Bible Study on Enjoying God in His Word will be available wherever books are sold.
Where can I learn more about Sweeter than Honey: A Bible Study on Enjoying God in His Word?
You can learn more about Sweeter than Honey here!
I pray God brings the clarity and guidance you need in this time. I love pausing in His presence. Selah. It is always ripe with purpose. God bless WWW.