This series was written by Kara Holmes. A professional counselor turned stay-at-home mom, Kara is wife to Trey and mom to Kate, Justin, and Alisa. Some of Kara’s favorite activities include going on walks with her family, writing, getting lost in a great book, and laughing. Passionate about the deeper issues of the heart, Kara enjoys […]
I was at lunch recently with some friends enjoying a conversation with everyone as we waited on our food. The delicious food was brought to the table but one of the dishes was taking longer than anticipated. The friend who had ordered this side was incredibly rude to the waitress, even though she was being extremely […]
Another five pounds. The numbers on the scale told me a story of loss, but my heart felt a surge of confidence. I glanced up at the mirror and saw a tall, lanky body standing there, wasting away in many ways. I turned around and examined my spine protruding from my back and shuddered. Why did this make me feel so beautiful? In many ways I felt like I was disappearing. Each week I was losing more and more weight. And yet, every reflection I whispered to me that if I just kept going I would finally enough. I wanted to be noticed, but I still felt invisible.
As we watched a man walking down the street, tossing beautiful colorful petals on the concrete, we wanted to snatch them up and hold onto them — what a waste! — we thought. Why is it that we seem to grasp for the petals and pieces of color instead of longing for the garden of grace and the relationship with the Gardener Himself?
As we near the end of the year and look ahead to 2017, the buzz of resolutions will inevitably find its way into conversations, commercials will advertise for diets and healthy trends, and we will find ourselves on one of two sides: eager, ready and excited for the challenge – or defeated, tired and so over the “r-word” before New Years’ Eve.
The Spring 2016 collection is here!