When grief barged into my life in my late twenties, I questioned God’s goodness and his very existence for the first time. Under the weight of all my questions and doubts, faith felt like a mystery. I didn’t want to walk away from God, but I didn’t know how to believe when things were hard. […]

By Taylor Cage

What Is Faith?

Looking back over three decades of diapers, playdates, carpools, music lessons, and sports events, I realize that motherhood is a lot of ordinary days interrupted by unparalleled joys and sprinkled with unwanted sorrows. Some of those sorrows run deep. If you have a child who, by words or deeds, refuses to acknowledge Jesus as Savior […]

By Lois Krogh

Persevere in Praying for Unbelieving Loved Ones

Just off the grassy trail, I sat in an opening between tall weeds and white wildflowers. With my Bible on my lap, I gazed at the still water before me. Ants crawled across my legs while a biting fly swarmed my head, a picture of the thoughts harassing my mind. After just one sinful thought—a […]

Navel-Gazing Won’t Help You Grow

By Brittany Allen

As moms, we can feel like our entire life is one of lowliness. We wipe bums and clean snotty noses. We hold hair back while children puke and scrub dried fruit from our floors. Meanwhile, our hair is greasy from day five of dry shampoo and we smell like old food and sweat. And we […]

By Lara d'Entremont

The Lowly Servanthood of Motherhood

If you pay attention to enough stories, you’ll soon recognize that most of them are based on the oldest and best story of all. They tell us that the world is broken, people aren’t doing well, and they desperately need something or someone to fix their circumstances or save them. In the end, the hero […]

By Well-Watered Women

Advent 2023: The Savior’s Story

A NOTE FROM MAGGIE Many of the gifts of this world are easy to enjoy on first taste. We don’t have to work at delighting in a baby’s giggle or a warm, gooey brownie. Other gifts require work and knowledge to delight in. Not all of us want to make the effort to enjoy the […]

Our September Coffee Date

By Well-Watered Women

When it comes to parenting, the adage “More is caught than taught” rings true. None of us wants to send the message “Do as I say, not as I do” to our kids. We want to be sure they see us as trustworthy, and we want to be godly examples for them to follow. We […]

By Abbey Wedgeworth

Moms, Use Your Failures for Discipleship

The Fullness of Joy Series celebrates the launch of the new Give Me Jesus Journal and the Fullness of Joy Collection. Each article in this series is a devotional on a passage from Psalm 16. Read the other articles in the series here: “Embracing Childlike Faith” by Jasmine L. Holmes “Hoping in a Beautiful Future” […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Rejoicing in God’s Presence

The Fullness of Joy Series celebrates the launch of the new Give Me Jesus Journal and the Fullness of Joy Collection. Each article in this series is a devotional on a passage from Psalm 16. Read the other articles in the series here: “Embracing Childlike Faith” by Jasmine L. Holmes “Hoping in a Beautiful Future” […]

Keeping Close to God

By Jared C. Wilson

The Fullness of Joy Series celebrates the launch of the new Give Me Jesus Journal and the Fullness of Joy Collection. Each article in this series is a devotional on a passage from Psalm 16. Read the other articles in the series here: “Embracing Childlike Faith” by Jasmine L. Holmes “Keeping Close to God” by […]

By Erin Davis

Hoping in a Beautiful Future

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