Check Your Story (at the door) I love telling stories. Stories connect us to a time and place, a memory, to one another. But lately, I find myself telling stories that aren’t mine to tell. I have played it off as a form of caring and sharing with those I love, but at the core, […]
Walls Up, Guard Up The walls around my heart and mind have been up for most of my life. Quick to defend, always on guard, hearing the worst instead of the intent. I’ve lived life on the defense for nearly three decades. Early on in dating my (now) husband, we had a conversation that nearly […]
Dear Mama The Well-Watered Women Community is made up of women of all ages, races, and seasons of life. It is our goal at Well-Watered Women to illuminate the hope of the gospel to every woman and encourage you right where you are. Last year we released a devotional specifically for college girls called Dear […]
Disordered Eating Every time I try to write this post, I feel inadequate because I struggle with the topic of food—every single day. For the longest time, I believed I would never struggle with an eating disorder because I just love food too much. I couldn’t imagine going an entire day without it. I still […]
There have been times in my prayer life when I’ve felt I was asking God for too much. The amount of faith required seemed like a stretch to get to the end goal, to receive the thing I most wanted. In the midst of such requests (like wanting to be engaged, wishing for the perfect […]
Throughout Scripture we see a woven thread that points us to a need for God. In the Shema, the Israelites were told to love God with all their heart, soul, and strength. They were to talk about Him with their children and keep His commandments before their eyes and on their hearts. They were to […]
We trust people who are like us. Think about who you vote for, who you sit next to in church, and who you let watch your kids. It’s people who are like you. We constantly surround ourselves with like-minded people because we trust them. We want to follow leaders who think like us because we […]
I wish I had learned much earlier in life that overcommitment can be a sin. Sometimes we put good before God, and we assume that something good is definitely what we are supposed to do. When we jump into a commitment headfirst without even prayerfully consulting God, we can find our plate completely full—even overflowing—and […]
I was eating only fruits, vegetables, and some whole grains. I felt amazing, had energy like never before, and was learning to appreciate the little things—like fresh strawberries on a hot day and homemade salsa with some warm baked pita bread. I loved it, and I kept thinking, “This is what God must have intended!” […]
I’m not yet 30, but I’m old enough to remember dial-up connections and AOL Instant Messenger, “away messages” to let people know when you were away from your computer, arguing with siblings over who got to use the computer to “get online,” and then arguing again when your time was up because you were in […]