1 Peter 2:11-19. Find the 1 Peter 2 reading guide here! The culture we live in has become dangerously similar to the Old Testament. People worship themselves, things they’ve created and forget about the goodness of God. Psalm 78:8 describes the Israelites who wandered from the commandments of God as “a generation whose heart was […]

By Well-Watered Women

un-follow {Day 8 & 9}

1 Peter 2:11-19. Find the 1 Peter 2 reading guide here! The culture we live in has become dangerously similar to the Old Testament. People worship themselves, things they’ve created and forget about the goodness of God. Psalm 78:8 describes the Israelites who wandered from the commandments of God as “a generation whose heart was […]

By Well-Watered Women

un-follow {Day 8 & 9}

This morning the Lord prompted to me to go on a walk. I tend to go through life at a very fast pace and when I exercise I usually run (to get it done faster:). But today He quickened me to simply walk for a while with Him, slowly, just listening and enjoying the dawn of […]

Praise Like The Birds

By Gretchen Saffles

Worship. We are all worshippers. The question is never, am I worshipping? But daily we should ask ourselves,what/who am I worshipping? The definition of worship is “the act of worshipping God or a god.” We either worship the one, True God who is worthy of our affection or we worship little gods that deceive us into […]

By Gretchen Saffles

worship & what we wear

We are all worshippers. The question is never, am I worshipping? But daily we should ask ourselves,what/who am I worshipping? The definition of worship is “the act of worshipping God or a god.” We either worship the one, True God who is worthy of our affection or we worship little gods that deceive us into thinking they are greater than they are. One area that often gets worshipped in today’s culture is fashion and dress. We place our affections on clothing, things and affirmation (all of which won’t last). We spend countless hours  (and a lot of money) worrying about our looks, our closets and our appearance. Just like Romans 1:24-25, we worship the created and not the Creator.

By Gretchen Saffles

worship & what we wear

Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement. {C. S. Lewis} Failure. Even just writing this word makes me cringe inside a bit. Anyone out there fear failing like me? To be clear, in my human perspective, I view failure as not reaching my expectations. The dictionary defines it as a “lack of success.” […]

Failure or Freedom?

By Gretchen Saffles

Creating is life. If you are a “creative” you know what I  mean. From cooking a colorful meal to wearing different combinations of your clothing (never the same thing twice) to making something new from something old. The world is a canvas ready to be painted on. This is by no accident. This is who […]

By Gretchen Saffles

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