Risen Motherhood Interview

January 25, 2017  - By Well-Watered Women

I never planned on being a stay-at-home working mama. God has used this season of my life to refine my soul and redirect my gaze to Jesus in every way. I am grateful to share some of my story and the lessons the Lord has taught me over the past few years over on Risen Motherhood and pray that this interview encourages you right where you are! God has you in the season of life you are in for a reason. Nothing is wasted in the kingdom! 

You can find the link here as well as below! I would love to hear from you as well – What has God taught you in motherhood about time, work, and perspective? How has your perspective of the gospel grown and deepened? May we continue to spur one another on in the Lord to live a set apart life for Christ!

your sister,


(P.S. Be sure to subscribe to Risen Motherhood for future podcasts and encouragement filled with grace and truth!)

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