Well - Watered



Looking back over three decades of diapers, playdates, carpools, music lessons, and sports events, I realize that motherhood is a lot of ordinary days interrupted by unparalleled joys and sprinkled with unwanted sorrows. Some of those sorrows run deep. If you have a child who, by words or deeds, refuses to acknowledge Jesus as Savior […]

The phone buzzed repeatedly and my heart skipped as I rushed to answer the call. I waited all day for moments like these, where I was simply in the presence of my husband’s voice. I listened attentively, shared highlights, and processed the difficulties my day presented. Sometimes, we simply dwelled in silence, rejoicing in each […]

Have you ever felt left out? Excluded? Maybe even abandoned? Whether it’s a childhood best friend who suddenly dumped you, a high school romance that went awry, a parent who walked out, or a husband who broke his vows, most of us have experienced some form of abandonment. And in that moment, it can feel […]

Do you ever find yourself saying the same types of things whenever you pray to God? Do you avoid prayer because it feels boring? Or do you struggle for words when praying? When we pray the same things over and over, our prayers can become words we say but don’t really think about. In fact, […]

There are lots of obvious reasons we don’t pray. We don’t know what to say. We’re too busy. God already knows what we’re going to say, so do we really need to go through the motion of actually saying something? These come to mind when I think of the conversations I’ve had with thousands of […]

Editor’s Note: This excerpt is from Michelle Myers, She Works His Way: A Practical Guide to Do What Matters Most in a Get Things Done World, “Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group,” 2021. Used by permission. http://www.bakerpublishinggroup.com A Prayer of Personal Decrease + Kingdom Increase Father, you alone are worthy of my […]

If you’re like me, you probably make prayer too complicated. For a long time, I thought I needed to get things in order before I really made progress in prayer. I felt like I needed a lock-tight theological definition for what prayer was, an understanding of the different types and traditions of prayer (and when […]

Starting to Journal I was ten years old when I first started keeping a journal. I’ll spare you the details of what I wrote in my first journal, but it was far from a Christ-centered record of life. The topics frequently covered were: the boys I liked, the friends I had, and what I did […]

The Paradox of Prayer Growing up in the church, one sentiment I heard a thousand times was “I’ll be praying for you.” Along with reading the Bible, praying seemed to be the Sunday School answer to what a Christian person should do. So, when I was a little girl, I made a list of all […]

The night before the cross, Jesus took his friends to a commonplace: the Garden of Gethsemane. He knew His suffering, humiliation, and death were near, but He didn’t hide. Instead, He prayed and asked His closest friends to pray with Him.  “And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, ‘My […]


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