Well - Watered



Throughout Scripture we see a woven thread that points us to a need for God. In the Shema, the Israelites were told to love God with all their heart, soul, and strength. They were to talk about Him with their children and keep His commandments before their eyes and on their hearts. They were to […]

How to be a Cheerful Giver of Your Time (Time management for the Christian woman and college girl)

I wish I had learned much earlier in life that overcommitment can be a sin. Sometimes we put good before God, and we assume that something good is definitely what we are supposed to do. When we jump into a commitment headfirst without even prayerfully consulting God, we can find our plate completely full—even overflowing—and […]

How to Flourish This Fall: Practical tips for thriving, not surviving as a Christian Woman (Back to school tips for your family!)

Are you flourishing? If I were to describe my life on a daily basis, the word “flourishing” would most likely not make the list. Overwhelmed, busy, and tired would find their way to the top, while life-giving words like flourish, abundant, and thriving would often fall to the bottom of the list. However, Scripture clearly […]

I’m not yet 30, but I’m old enough to remember dial-up connections and AOL Instant Messenger, “away messages” to let people know when you were away from your computer, arguing with siblings over who got to use the computer to “get online,” and then arguing again when your time was up because you were in […]

When Stress Changes Our Plans In 2015, my Labor Day did not go according to plan. Instead of spending an enjoyable day with friends, I sat in an emergency care center learning that I had shingles. One of the diagnostic questions the doctor asked me was if I had recently been under significant stress to […]

Today we are kicking off the 30-Day Word Before World Challenge, and thousands of women around the world are joining in with us. This challenge is simple but intentional: devote your heart to seeking the Lord before jumping into the world each day. We created a free guide you can receive and begin at any […]

There’s no better way to begin this post than with the living and active words of Scripture. Take a moment to read this short passage slowly, asking Jesus to show you something new in His Word: “Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into […]

Our busyness should drive us to our knees. We can’t accomplish anything worthwhile, making wise decisions, or live with fervent passion apart from being people who pray. Prayer isn’t something to check off a list, it should be a way of life.

For the woman who tends toward being an overachiever (like myself), Pinterest and Instagram can be our worst enemy in this season! There are countless ways we can celebrate Christmas and participate it in Advent activities and readings, but it is impossible to do everything. I know my own heart tends towards the “doer” mentality in my Christian walk, but over and over in Scripture I am reminded that it’s not about what I do that brings me satisfaction, it’s about what Christ has done. My actions should flow the directly from the cross. When I put my hope in a “perfect” Advent and Christmas, I am let down. When I place my hope in my perfect Savior, I am set free.

Take the bench when He offers it with great joy, dear friends. It is His grace to show you your limitations, because in them you will be able to see more fully that He has none. And as Paul learned to rejoice in His weaknesses because in them He knew the grace of God more completely, may we rejoice in our limitations and see with heaven-set eyes that only He can do it all. The bench just might be the place you need to see this from.


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